

Our first vacation together as husband and wife will be to.......
The Maldives! We are going to the Maldives for our honeymoon. The Maldive Islands are of group of tiny coral islands, or atolls, situated on the equator, in the Indian Ocean. To give you an idea of just how beautiful these islands are, they are described as, "the garden of Eden" and "the last paradise on earth". We are staying in a water villa built on stilts, overlooking a lagoon. We can't wait to watch the sunset together.

You know what? I have to be honest with you. As I write this post, I can't stop smiling and thinking, I really love my future husband!


Maria said...

Oh come on. You loved him before too. ;-) LOL!

Schokolade Mädchen said...


Yeah, but I think I love him a little more today!

Christina | AmiExpat.com said...

Awww! I proposed that same vacation as our Honeymoon but it was vetoed by the Big R. I love him anyways though! You're gonna have such an amazing time!