
The "O" Factor

No, not Oprah. Obama. It's pretty obvious to me that our new president's sense of style is already influencing some of our youth. I remember shortly after his election victory, there was a photograph of Barack Obama dropping off his daughters at school, wearing a North Face fleece jacket. When I saw that photograph, I said to G, "North Face just won the Lotto." Well, on Saturday, my girlfriend and I spent 6 hours Christmas shopping at the mega mall, Tyson's Corner. And we couldn't help noticing - there were so many African American teenagers wearing North Face gear...which in my opinion, is a new thing. Cool:)


jmt said...

I would totally agree - NEW thing. LOL NF was always the traditional gear of my college's "sorority girls and frat boys" attire during the winter. LOL And those sorors and frats weren't filled with the African American students. :) LOVE Obama. You didn't mention if you liked HIM or not...but I said it anyhow. I LOVE him. LOL

Schokolade Mädchen said...


For the record, I love him too!