
Biathlon Weltcup

Last Sunday, I went to the Biathlon Weltcup in Ruhpolding.
Skiing and target shooting...uh...interesting sport.
But the scenery was magnificent.


The Big Finn said...

My dad was a great biathlon(ist?) in his younger days. I'm guessing that it started during his (mandatory) Finnish military service.
I agree that it's a rather strange sport, but imagine having to plop down in the snow after skiing many kilometers, with your heart pounding out of you chest, focusing on a target that's many meters away, and then steadying yourself enough so that you can hit the target.

...not easy.

Schokolade Mädchen said...

The Big Finn*

How about it? I totally agree. You have to be in tip top shape to compete.

R. Duckie said...

erk - well its cool to see live sports, no matter how weird!