
Der Spaß ist vorbei.

It's that time again. Back to school. German language school. I had a long break, almost 6 months. I'm surprised that so much information just sort of faded away from my memory - akkusativ, dativ, genitiv, ahhh! But on the upside, I can speak and read a million times better than before. I think that comes from daily life, not learning in a classroom setting. And yes, I'm already complaining about being tired and having homework every day but this time, I have someone to share my misery. My girlfriend, Eve, is taking the same course. We are both focused on being fluent.....
and having lunch at a different restaurant every day.


Anonymous said...

I am from London! It's really nice to read your blog :)
I have just started learning german.I visit Munich every so often. You are lucky you are living there.

Maria said...

I am so very jealous! I would love to be learning, using, and living German. I miss Germany!!!

Schokolade Mädchen said...


Danke! I really dig London - super cool people and kick ass nightlife. YOU are lucky to live in London:)


Germany misses you!

Michelle said...

good luck!! After two years here I am really starting to wonder if I'll ever be able to talk to anyone except M.'s 2 year old niece in this rotten language. ;)

Schokolade Mädchen said...


I know the feeling. I have great conversations with toddlers - it's just the adults I can't understand!

EuroTrippen said...

More power to you... I started my german lessons about a month ago and have completely blown off the past 4 or 5. I have the attention span of a gnat, so classroom language learning is just painful for me.

The lunch part sounds nice though...

Anonymous said...

Schreibt doch einfach mal in Deutsch. Dann ist es doch viel einfacher!!! Und Fehler sind am Anfang doch normal ;-)

Viel Spass beim Deutsch lernen!

Schokolade Mädchen said...


My attention span is the same. Sometimes I have to chew gum to stay awake and focused.

Schokolade Mädchen said...


Danke. Ich habe einen guten Ehemann, der mir jede Nacht hilft:)

more cowbell said...

I miss it! I always loved German class for some reason, even the homework. Sick, I know. But now, it's been so long, and I had Hungarian in between then and now, which really screwed things up, ha! Good luck with it.

Schokolade Mädchen said...

More Cowbell*

Yes, I think missing the never ending homework is a little crazy:)